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periomma Hansson

Antenna lateral, female.

Head frontal, female.

Vertex, female.

Thoracic dorsum, female.

Thoracic dorsum, female holotype.

Propodeum dorsal, female.

Gaster dorsal, female.

Originally described in

Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute, Vol. 82:293.


Eyes large, DE/DO = 3.4; mesoscutum and scutellum metallic bluish-green; scutellum with engraved reticulation; propodeum with submedian grooves smooth; gaster with first tergite smooth. Similar to cetratus but with larger eyes, to cyaneoviridis but with larger eyes and shorter gaster, and to sirenae but with longer petiole and shorter gaster.


Costa Rica.



Similar species in Lucid key

cyaneoviridis, but periomma with larger eyes, DE/DO = 3.4, and shorter gaster, MM/LG = 1.0 < /FONT > .


Depository of primary type

Natural History Museum (BMNH), in London.